Friday, January 30, 2015

Relational Character design in a 4x larp.

Applying 4x to combat larp changes the perspective of play. Most larps focus on the individual player/persona combination as the fundamental unit of game play. Scenes, mods, plot lines, story what have you is all based on individual characters concepts. For this larp we're going to take a step back and have the House be the basic unit of character recognized by the game system. So lets take a look back at Relational Character Design in Larp, and use that to build the foundation of character creation in a 4x larp.

Friday, January 23, 2015

A Paper Prototype, or a Quick Break from Larp.

As work continues on the 4x Larp, let's take a little break to look at a prototype game. When I first started this blog digital game design was the focus where pretotyping and prototyping was big parts of that process. Here is a game idea which reached the prototype phase and is going to TempleCon with me to play test. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with an old acquaintance from larp who started a new game company, Gooder Games.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Siege Damage in a 4x larp.

The basis of Hit Location Larp is that all weapons deal one point of damage. No matter how experienced or how strong a players persona is, they still only deal one point of damage. What about portraying a character with "The Strength of 10 men", or a monstrous troll that attacks not with clubs but with whole tree's? Siege damage, or damage caused by massive weapons is the representation of massive damage. The combination of 4x larp and Siege damage should be interesting. Let's take a look.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Thoughts on Saftey

We've already discussed the specifics of safety during interactions between two players, but what about at the event level? When running an event some additional safety concerns arise. An event holder needs to be prepared. At the moment I'm not actually ready to write rules of safe play for a 4x larp. But here's what I think is important when writing considering writing safety rules.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Getting Started in 4x larp.

How does getting up and running in a 4x larp differ from getting started in a combat larp? There are many posts on /r/reddit asking for help getting started with larp. So many that I made my own getting started post, so I didn't have to keep repeating the same info. So lets head off that inevitable question by discussing how to get started with a 4x larp.