Friday, December 26, 2014

4x larp Event Template

Communicating a game idea is difficult, especially before play testing. Perhaps my intro did not help explain the concept of the 4x larp. There are tons of details that need ironing out. It might be helpful to walk through a 4x combat larp event, as I envision it at the moment. First we'll need to mention Event Write ups.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Why a 4x larp?

Larp Guidebooks or rule books have introductions which give the player an idea of what kind of game they are getting themselves into. For inexperience players most larps additionally have to answer the question "What is Larp?" This is super tiring, and has been done better by others. Leaving Mundania answers the basic question, and leaves us free to address what this game is doing differently. So let's introduce players to the 4x larp concept.

Friday, December 12, 2014

4x Larp Index

This post is going to function as an index page for a 4x larp guide book. It's a bit of a dry post, but a necessary one. As a work in progress it's going to change over time. Each section will get linked as it's written and fill in over time. What needs clarification? What needs to be cleaned up? What do you want to know more about? There will probably be a 'guidebook' version on a static page, which will have titles/headings which are less like a blog post, and more like a book. Here is the general outline as it stands right now.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Social Status and Character Creation in Larp.

Social status is an interesting issue in many U.S. combat larps. Some game systems leave it up to the players to write their status into the character backstory. Some have elaborate game mechanics which allow the purchase of status with experience. But lots of games have no official way to limit players from claiming any title they want (however silly that title may be). Many players abuse this and tell extremely similar stories. Games overflow with 'Counts', 'Dukes', and the brothers, nephews and sons of titled nobility who come complete with some kind of tragic backstory.

Many players also tend to ignore the interesting down to earth stories, and instead shoot straight for the Eurocentric Feudal landed caste. Occasionally players choose an Asian style Feudal landed caste to spice things up. This similarity of story is frustrating, limiting, and not all that fun. I've attempted to address this lack of depth with a character creation system based on group dynamics. It can generate nobility, but far more often produces 'salt of the earth' type folks. Today let's address the game mechanics of a social system.