Friday, August 29, 2014

7 types of larp battles

When transitioning from player to event holder, the event holding options available to you can quickly become overwhelming. Being able to narrow down the scope from completely pie in the sky ideas to something concrete is crucial. Usually this comes with time and practice, but there are shortcuts. Here are 7 types of battles you can use at an event to lay the foundation for role playing and interaction.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Concept: Larp + 4x

What would a larp be like if there were a strategic layer of activity above the combat itself? Would that help role playing? More importantly would that be fun? Would people get involved with the game because it contains that aspect? Here are some ideas about what a larp would be like if concepts from 4x strategy games were added.

Friday, August 15, 2014

How to make 100 different NPC's

Let's say your larp consists of 20 players (on a good day). You have a budget of whatever you can scrape together. You have some basic skills, such as building weapons, simple sewing, basic construction... But with limited garb and resources how do you make varied NPC's? How do show the players what monster they face with verisimilitude and without expensive garb? How do you make that disposable hoard come to life? Here is one simple thing you can do to make 100's of NPC's, with the basic skills you already have.

Friday, August 8, 2014

GoPro for Larp?

I have acquired a GoPro Hero3 White Edition. As well as a fairly significant number of devices which strap it to myself and other things. The box has a handy plastic plate which looks durable enough to mount on a shield. :) Free mount, that was intended to be packaging. Thanks GoPro!
The camera is small! The picture that you see on this page is not much smaller than the camera itself. Well Ok, the picture is about half the size of the real camera. Perhaps my perspective is skewed due to my size. Everything about the camera is tiny.

My intention was to film practice last week, but it ended up not happening. Filming yourself is a great way to learn what you're doing wrong that you don't notice. You will notice some tiny, and some not so tiny things you don't even know you're doing.

While I'm learning how to use it I'll need to shoot movies of interesting things. Gosh, where ever shall I find something interesting to take pictures of?! Hopefully I can bring it with me to a larp or two.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Kite Shield Progress, and a great handle trick.

There may currently be three ongoing shield projects in my home, at the moment.  This was not in any way intentional. But suddenly there are all these opportunities to get crafty. Captain Tripps is entirely at fault for being so dang inspirational! Check out his shield, entirely foam, and plastidip. It's amazing. Now let's check out what I've been up to.