Friday, May 23, 2014

Categories and Elements For Relational Character Design

Fiasco is an amazing indie table top RPG by Bully Pulpit Games. If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend doing so. Put it on the list of 'must plays' for your next Con. The game inspired me to use the same concept a character creation system that attempts to address some issues with larp. Relational Character Design for Larp discusses the general outline of the idea. Below the cut we have the Categories and Elements as they could be used for a larp.

By the way on you can purchase access to all kinds of additional themed Category and Element pairings. That is also where the above image comes from. Also take a look at the next step, How to Set up a Larp Fiasco. And finally, the formatting is pretty bad here, you can find a prettier version of this by following this link.


1.) Tribe

  1. Color and House Leader
  2. Peers or siblings
  3. Jailer, Parolee
  4. Child, Parent
  5. Tutor, trainee
  6. Raider

2.) Trade

  1. Tax Collector, Merchant
  2. Farmer, Town Guard
  3. Apprentice, Master
  4. Buyer, Seller
  5. Guard, Captain
  6. Merchant, Guard

3.) Friendship
  1. Lord, Council
  2. Guard, Lord
  3. Master of Arms, Blacksmith
  4. Armor Smith, Guard
  5. Herbalist, Hedge Witch
4.) Romance
  1. Married
  2. Engaged
  3. Courting
  4. Secret Romance
  5. Forbidden Romance
  6. Everyone knows, except you.
5.) Underworld
  1. Thug
  2. Cultist
  3. Spy
  4. Ranger/Loner
  5. Turn coat
  6. Greenskin
6.) Arcane World
  1. Apprentice, Master
  2. Farmer, Hedge Witch
  3. Recovering Zombie, necromancer
  4. Elemental, apprentice
  5. Victim, perpetrator
  6. Connected souls


1.) To get safe...
  1. And raise a family
  2. From the greenskins
  3. From justice
  4. From your old life
  5. From your family
  6. From magic
2.) To get even...
  1. With your former teacher
  2. With them all
  3. For their torment
  4. To prove your valor
  5. From being swindled
  6. For being set up
3.) To get away...
  1. With murder
  2. From the hangman
  3. With the treasure
  4. From that horrible place
  5. From your destiny
  6. From the curse
4.) To get respect...
  1. From your master
  2. From the common folk
  3. For you accomplishment
  4. For your restraint
  5. From gaining power
  6. From your family
5.) To get in...
  1. To the good graces of your gods
  2. To the cult
  3. Power
  4. To the throne room
  5. To the lists
  6. With the scoundrels
6.) To get out...
  1. Of debt
  2. Of this house
  3. Of trouble
  4. Of the contract
  5. Of the way
  6. On the battlefield


1.) Town square
  1. Blacksmiths Shop
  2. Market Street
  3. Armorer’s Shop
  4. Town Center
  5. Cottages
  6. Herbalist shop
2.) The ruins
  1. Stone fields
  2. Swamp
  3. Abandoned docks
  4. Cursed forest
  5. Ruined tower
  6. Henge
3.) Fortifications
  1. Gate house
  2. Stone palisade
  3. Wooden palisade
  4. Moat
  5. Keep entry
  6. Stables
4.) The keep
  1. Great hall
  2. Entry
  3. Sitting room
  4. Kitchen
  5. Bed chambers
  6. Treasury
5.) Surrounding lands
  1. Pastures
  2. Crop fields
  3. Orchard
  4. Mountains
  5. Forest
  6. River
6.) Tower
  1. Library
  2. Cell
  3. Dungeon
  4. Cellar
  5. Battlements
  6. Stairs


1.) Line of Partition
  1. Embattled/Crenelly
  2. Engrailed
  3. Urdy
  4. Dancetly
  5. Invicted
  6. Wavy
2.) Blazonry
  1. Inanimate Charges
  2. Fowl, Fish, Plants
  3. Heraldic Beasts
  4. Human Figures
  5. Puns/Literalisms
  6. Monsters, Fantastic Creatures
3.) Colors
  1. Argent (silver)
  2. Or (gold)
  3. Gules (red)
  4. Azure (blue)
  5. Vert (green)
  6. Purpure (purple)
4.) Division of the Field
  1. Party (pale, fess, bend, bend sinister, chevron, saltire)
  2. Chequy, lozengy
  3. Quarterly/Gyronny
  4. Barry, Bendy, Bendy Sinister
  5. Pily, Pily Bendy, Pily Bendy Sinister
  6. Chevronny
5.) Honorably Ordinaries
  1. Chief
  2. Saltire, Fillet Saltire
  3. Bend, Bendlets, Riband
  4. Fess, bars, barrulet
  5. Chevron, Chevronnets
  6. Pile, Piles in Point
6.) Marks of Abatement
  1. A delf tenny
  2. Tenny Point Dexter
  3. Sable Point in Point
  4. Brown a gore Sinister
  5. Brown a gusset sinister/dexter (or both)
  6. Sable shield reversed