Old School (now SHAKER) seems like a great idea being put together by a solid company with incredible credentials. You can tell that if they get the funding the project will be completed. This is not 2 guys in a basement with no project management experience. This is the real deal.
So why am I reluctant to back this project? My gaming hobby (is it addiction or lifestyle?) started with Apple IIe, D&D in Jr High and Ultima on the Nintendo. But Old School gaming is not really interesting to me. Perhaps my reluctance to be excited about this project is that game nostalgia has no hold over me. Well maybe certain titles...
The story seems really compelling, a nice balance between D&D and Cyberpunk. AKA Fantasy and Sci Fi, the two big genre's from the 80's. But it just doesn't compel me to support the project. It's just not pulling the right strings. It was featured by Kickstarter via tweet on 10/7/2012, so apparently there are some fans out there.
Their request for a million dollars feels high. It doesn't feel like funding a kickstarter to me. It feels like a Studio seeking investors. Maybe kickstarter to me means funding guys like Xavi (Towns) and Dirkson (Scrumbleship). Maybe at heart I'm an Angel, not a VC.
A really sneaky aspect of Kickstarter is that we each individually get to decide what kickstarter means to us. To me, it's funding that little guy who has no support but has good ideas and can prove themselves. I don't have any right or intent to tell you what you should support. Nor do you have any right to tell me what to support. The beauty here is that doesn't matter. We all get to support what we want to.
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