So to keep you entertained here are some statics about my blog. From April 2011 to now I almost 20,000 Pageviews. That accumulated about $110 until I turned off Ad Sense earlier this month. Most of that was from a few kind folks who clicked on ads while visiting the site. If you did, thank you! I'm going to buy a new monitor because this one is going to stop working very shortly.
Most folks found my blog from my posts on Reddit. Which is a really great place to drive traffic from. There are many ways to suggest to Reddit viewers that they check out your page. My suggestions are pretty blunt methods. But you should check them out if you want to drive traffic to your blog.
Finally here is a list of my most popular posts.
Jul 15, 2011, 4 comments 2315 Pageviews
Sep 19 2011 8 Comments 1,599 Pageviews
Aug 29 2011 1,127 Pageviews
Aug 14 2011 901 Pageviews
Jun 27, 2011 891 Pageviews
If you want to keep reading about game development and gaming in general I highly recommend checking out Technomancer's Blog, lightspeedgaming. He's starting to build up a good blog there, and has some interesting things to say.
I hope you learned something about game design. Hopefully this blog continues to be a resources for you. I hope you had a good time. And I hope someday to be able to post back here about games and game design. But until then, I am super busy learning the ropes of a new game; Financial Planning.